The Scientific Lunch

Since the 49th JdS, the Jeunes Statisticien·ne·s group has been organizing scientific lunches. The goal is to foster discussions on a specific theme for each lunch.

The objective is to create a small-group setting for exchanges on current scientific topics. Each lunch features a debate led by two recognized experts in the chosen thematic area, with a young group member moderating the discussions. This special moment includes a roundtable, an introduction to the theme by the experts, an open question-and-answer session, and a convivial coffee break for informal discussions.

2024 Edition

As part of the 55th Journées de Statistique, the Jeunes Statisticien·ne·s group of the SFdS is organizing two simultaneous scientific lunches on Thursday, May 30, 2024, during the lunch hour:

  • Young PhD Students — Everything We Wish We Had Known at the Start of a PhD
    The goal of this lunch is to present essential tools and information to help conduct a PhD in the best possible conditions.
    Target audience: young PhD students (1st - 2nd year) and pre-PhD interns.
  • “You Don’t Do Math, Do You?” — Impromptu Science Communication, How to Talk About What I Do?
    “So, what exactly do you research? Statistics like percentages? Aren’t you afraid of being replaced by AI? Congrats on your article, by the way, that must bring in some cash!” This lunch offers a playful format to explore the sometimes naïve questions we get from those around us and how we can respond.

You can find slides summarizing many of these details here.


Registrations are closed.

Who Are These Lunches For?

These lunches are particularly targeted at:

  • PhD students,
  • Young PhDs wanting to support the new generation,
  • M2 (Master’s 2nd year) students.

Previous Editions Archive

You can find the themes of previous years by clicking here.
©2025 SFdS
Société Française de Statistique
Institut Henri Poincaré
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
75231 Paris cedex 5
Tél. : +33 (0)1 44 27 66 60
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