Scientific lunch

Since the 49th JDS, the young statisticians group offers scientific lunches. The goal is to promote exchanges on a given theme for each lunch.

The goal is to create a space for small group exchanges around current scientific topics. A debate is led by two speakers reputed in the thematic area of ​​the lunch, a member of the group moderates the discussions. This special moment is an opportunity for a round table with an introduction of the theme by the speakers, an open question-and-answer session and a friendly coffee break for informal discussions.

Thursday 30 Mai 2024

This year, The Young Statisticians of the SFdS organized two simultaneous lunches, which served as FAQ session for PhD students. We compiled a summary document here (in French).

Thursday, 10th, 2021

In the context of « Journées de Statistique », the Young Statisticians of SFdS two simultaneous lunches on Thursday, 10th, 2021, on the following subjects:
  • Session 1 : "Non-specialist understanding of data: the role of statistical popularization. "
    Invited speakers : Anne-Laure Fougères (Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1) and Jairo Cugliari (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
  • Session 2 : " Statistical research in the private sector: opportunities and limitations in business."
    Invited speakers : Aurore Archimbaud (Ippon Innovation, Université Toulouse 1) and Nicolas Bousquet (IG-SCOP)

To register, please fill out the dedicated form.

Places are allocated in order of arrival provided that the sign-up has been validated . Thank you for informing the organizers (Arthur Leroy, Imke Mayer and Margot Selosse) if you can not or do not expect to come in order to allow those on the complementary list to have a place.

Thursday, 6th, 2019

In the context of « Journées de Statistique », the Young Statisticians of SFdS two simultaneous lunches on Thursday, 6th, June 2019, on the following subjects:
  • Session 1 : "Teaching: how to enable a student to be the driver of his own course?"
    Invited speakers : Adeline Leclerc Samson (LJK, Université Grenoble Alpes) and Mahendra Mariadassou (MaIAGE, INRA, Université Paris-Saclay)
    Moderator : to come.
  • Session 2 : "Causality: how to improve the explainability and the openness of the models built by statistical learning? "
    Invited speakers : Antoine Chambaz (MAP5, Université Paris Descartes) and Anne Gégout-Petit (IECL, INRIA, Université de Lorraine)
    Moderator : to come.

To facilitate the logistics, you will be asked to come with your JdS catering ticket for the day of Thursday.

To register, please fill out the dedicated form.

Places are allocated in order of arrival provided that the sign-up has been validated . Thank you for informing the organizers (Émilie Devijver and Myriam Tami) if you can not or do not expect to come in order to allow those on the complementary list to have a place.

Jeudi 31 mai 2018

As part of the "Journées de Statistique", the group of Young Statisticians of the SFdS organizes two lunches simultaneously on Thursday, May 31, 2018 on the following topics:

  • Session 1 : "How to modernize teaching without losing sight of the theoretical aspects: the teaching of statistics at the time of MOOCs and other tools of flipped classrooms"
    Invited speakers : Marthe-Aline Jutand (Laboratoire Cultures et Diffusion des Savoirs de Bordeaux) and Antoine Rolland (laboratoire ERIC (Entrepôts, Représentation et Ingénierie des Connaissances), Lyon 2)
    Moderator: Vincent Audigier (Laboratoire CEDRIC au CNAM)
  • Session 2 : "The place of machine learning at the time of massive data: what to do in the presence of partially labeled collections and / or knowledge pre-acquired? " Invited speakers: Massih-Reza Amini (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble) and Florence d'Alché-Buc (Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l’Information, Télécom ParisTech)
    Moderator Erwan Scornet (CMAP of l'école Polytechnique)

Thursday, June 1st, 2017

Big data, how does automation change the definition of knowledge?
What place for modeling versus data-driven approaches?

Invited speakers: Aurélien Garivier (Toulouse Mathematics Institute) and Agathe Guilloux (Evra Mathematics and Modeling Laboratory)
Moderator: Benjamin Guedj (President of the Young Statisticians Group, Inria).

Contacts: Emilie Devijver et Mélanie Prague
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Institut Henri Poincaré
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