[SFdS] Information du groupe Risques AEF
International Workshop on Cyber Risk & Security
The ESSEC CREAR (WG Risk) and IDS Department are delighted to invite you to the

International Workshop on CYBER Risk & Security

September, 13-14, 2023 at ESSEC La Défense & Paris Espace Diderot (COVEA)

Cyber risk and security are the two faces of the same coin to enhance the resilience of society against cyber-attacks. Recognizing that tackling cyber threats necessitates a multidisciplinary approach, experts from diverse disciplines will present their approaches and engage in discussions on the challenges faced in researching this field. We also aspire to use this opportunity to initiate new innovative research collaborations, further advancing our understanding of this important phenomenon.

Invited Speakers:

Dr. Jérôme BARLATIER (France), Lieutenant Colonel, Gendarmerie Nationale
Dr. James BONO (USA), Security Economics Lead at Microsoft, principal applied scientist
Dr. Michel DACOROGNA (Switzerland), Prime Re Solutions
Prof. Hervé DEBAR (France), Telecom Paris
Dr. Justin GRANA (USA), Principal Economist at Edge & Node
Dr. Steve JACKSON (USA), Director of Research at American Academy of Actuaries
Dr. Nikolaos PAPAKONSTANTINOU (Finland), Leading the Applied cybersecurity team at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Corina PASCU (Greece), Cybersecurity expert, ENISA (European Union Agency for Cybersecurity)
Eric SALIBA (France), Head of the Scientific and Technical Division, ANSSI
Dr. Patrick SCHALLER (Switzerland), Senior Scientist in Computer Science at ETH Zurich
Prof. Isabelle WATTIAU (France), Information System, ESSEC Business School
Prof. Stefan WEBER (Germany), Chair of the Institute of Actuarial & Financial Mathematics, Leibniz Universität Hannover


Click here to register for free

The attendance is free but registration is compulsory. We are looking forward to seeing you at the Workshop.

Organization: Prof. Marie KRATZ (ESSEC IDS & CREAR) and Prof. Isabelle WATTIAU (ESSEC IDS)

Financial support: Labex (CY) - 'Fondation des Sciences de la Modélisation'

Other support: Groupe 'Risques Assuranciel, Economique & Financier' (Risques AEF) - Société Française de Statistique, and Institut des Actuaires.
SFdS - Société Française de Statistique
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