Regional Workshop of European young researchers in statistics

October 29-31 2018, Paris (France)


The idea of this first event is to organize a meeting between early-career statisticians in Europe. During this workshop two types of session will be held, scientific ones and administrative ones. In one hand, the scientific sessions aim at getting to know research topics of people attending in order to promote future collaborations. In an other hand, the administrative ones are meant to propose new ideas to organize future events in Europe or around the world.
We hope that this event could help to strengthen international links by offering anopportunity for representatives of European statistical societies to meet. Hence, this event may improve networking and so facilitate international collaboration, and communication about post-doctoral offers for instance.
The regional workshop is open to all young statisticians so, PhD students, postdocs and early-career researchers (until 5 years of experience) are welcomed!
The 1st workshop will be held in Paris, France on October 29-31 2018.


The registration is free but mandatory. Each registration should be sponsored by a representative of the statistical society of your country. To register, please send an email to with your sponsor in copy, and a link to complete the registration will be sent.
Registration deadline: October, 1 st


Every participant can submit an abstract of at most one page in order to give a talk introducing his/her research field to a wide audience of statisticians. Please send your submission to in pdf.
Submission deadline: October, 1 st

Preliminary schedule:
Monday, 29th

13h00 : Welcoming
13h30 - 14h00: Opening
14h00 - 16h00: Administrative meeting 1 - introduction of everybody and their societies
16h00 – 16h30: Coffee Break
16h30 - 18h30: Scientific session 1
  • Christina Parpoula : Serfling-type Periodic Regression Models for Epidemiological Time Series Analysis
  • Javier Álvarez Liébana : On the inference of functional time series
  • Nermina Mumic : Fraud Detection in the Digital Music Industry Using Time-Dependent Compositional Data and Robust filtering
19h00 : Social activity

Tuesday, 30th

9h00 - 10h00: Administrative meeting 2 - european projects : first ideas
10h00 – 10h30: Coffee Break
10h30 - 12h30: Scientific session 2
  • Raluca Caplescu : Regional differences in crime rates in Romania
  • Marie Perrot-Dockes: Variable selection in multivariate linear models taking into account the dependence
  • Anne Helby Petersen : Sibling comparison designs: A panacea to inferring causality from observational data or a new cause of headaches?
12h30 - 14h00 : Lunch Time
14h00 - 16h00: Brainstorming session – “Ideas to improve European networking for young people”
16h00 – 16h30: Coffee Break
16h30 - 18h30: Scientific session 3
  • Niko Lietzén : Algorithm for Multiple Unknown Signals Extraction
  • Elena Maria Prada : The perception towards migrants of EU citizens
  • René Aakær Jensen: Risk management challenges in the insurance industry
19h00 : Social activity

Wednesday, 31st

9h00 - 11h00: Scientific session 4
  • Fatemeh Ghaderinezhad : Probabilistic distances and Bayesian statistics: new insights on and methods for the choice of the prior
  • Tommi Mäklin : Bayesian bacterial strain identification from plate sweep sequencing data
  • Konstantinos A. Tasias : Statistical monitoring as a data-driven tool for holistic process optimization
11h00 – 11h30: Coffee Break
11h30 - 12h30: Presentation of the ideas from the brainstorming session by each group
12h30 - 13h00: Closing

The workshop will be in Paris. More details will be given soon!
The main venue for the workshop is the Institut Henri Poincarré – IHP.
Directions to get there are available here.

You can find some details here.

Local organizing committee:
The French young statisticians group "Les jeunes statisticiens" from the French Statistical Society:

In charge of International relationships:
Aurore Archimbaud, TSE-R
Emilie Devijver, CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes
Marie Perrot-Dockes, AgroParisTech/INRA


©2025 SFdS
Société Française de Statistique
Institut Henri Poincaré
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
75231 Paris cedex 5
Tél. : +33 (0)1 44 27 66 60
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