Past Scientific Lunches
Thursday, May 30, 2024
As part of the 55th Journées de Statistique, the Jeunes Statisticien·ne·s group of the SFdS is organizing two simultaneous scientific lunches on Thursday, May 30, 2024, during the lunch hour:
- Young PhD Students — Everything We Wish We Had Known at the Start of a PhD
The goal of this lunch is to present essential tools and information to help conduct a PhD in the best possible conditions.
Target audience: young PhD students (1st - 2nd year) and pre-PhD interns.
- “You Don’t Do Math, Do You?” — Impromptu Science Communication, How to Talk About What I Do?
“So, what exactly do you research? Statistics like percentages? Aren’t you afraid of being replaced by AI? Congrats on your article, by the way, that must bring in some cash!” This lunch offers a playful format to explore the sometimes naïve questions we get from those around us and how we can respond.
Thursday, June 10, 2021
As part of the “Journées de Statistique”, the Jeunes Statisticien·ne·s group of the SFdS organized two parallel lunches on Thursday, June 10, 2021, on the following themes:
- Session 1: "Understanding Data for Non-Specialists: The Role of Statistical Communication."
Guests: Anne-Laure Fougères (Institut Camille Jordan, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1) and Jairo Cugliari (Lumière University Lyon 2)
- Session 2: "Statistical Research in the Private Sector: Opportunities and Limitations in Industry."
Guests: Aurore Archimbaud (Ippon Innovation, Toulouse 1 University) and Nicolas Bousquet (IG-SCOP)
Thursday, June 6, 2019
As part of the “Journées de Statistique”, the Jeunes Statisticien·ne·s group of the SFdS organized two parallel lunches on Thursday, June 6, 2019, on the following themes:
- Session 1: "Teaching: How to Make Students Actors in Their Own Learning?"
Guests: Adeline Leclerc Samson (LJK, University of Grenoble Alpes) and Mahendra Mariadassou (MaIAGE, INRA, University of Paris-Saclay)
Moderator: To be announced. - Session 2: "Causality: How to Improve the Explainability and Transparency of Machine Learning Models?"
Guests: Antoine Chambaz (MAP5, University of Paris Descartes) and Anne Gégout-Petit (IECL, INRIA, University of Lorraine)
Moderator: To be announced.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
As part of the “Journées de Statistique”, the Jeunes Statisticien·ne·s group of the SFdS organized two parallel lunches on Thursday, May 31, 2018, on the following themes. You can find the report of these lunches by clicking on this link.
- Session 1: "How to Modernize Teaching Without Losing Sight of Theoretical Aspects: Teaching Statistics in the Era of MOOCs and Other Flipped Classroom Tools."
Guests: Marthe-Aline Jutand (Cultures and Knowledge Diffusion Laboratory, Bordeaux) and Antoine Rolland (ERIC Laboratory, Lyon 2)
Moderator: Vincent Audigier (CEDRIC Laboratory at CNAM) - Session 2: "The Role of Machine Learning in the Era of Big Data: What to Do with Partially Labeled Data Sets and/or Pre-Acquired Knowledge?"
Guests: Massih-Reza Amini (Informatics Laboratory of Grenoble) and Florence d'Alché-Buc (Information Processing and Communication Laboratory, Télécom ParisTech)
Moderator: Erwan Scornet (CMAP at École Polytechnique)
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Big Data, How Automation Changes the Definition of Knowledge? What Role for Modeling in the Face of Data-Driven Approaches?
Guests: Aurélien Garivier (Institute of Mathematics of Toulouse) and Agathe Guilloux (Mathematics and Modeling Laboratory of Évreux) Moderator: Benjamin Guedj (President of the Jeunes Statisticien·ne·s group, Inria).