The Young Statisticians
The Young Statisticians within SFdS aims at structuring a professional network and promiting scientific discussions among the young members of the association.
The group has been formed since the 44èmes Journées de Statistique. Among the actions launched by the group, you can visit the following page YSP, or Data Challenge, or the page of thesis census.
President : Margaux Zaffran.
Vice-President : Perrine Lacroix.
Treasurer : Charlotte Voinot.
Secretary : Guillaume Chennetier.
Communication / External Relations : Auriane Gabaut.
Communication / Webmaster : Eloi Tanguy.
Other members
Nassim Bourarach.
Ulysse Gazin.
Iqraa Meah.
Antonio Ocello.
Clément Mantoux.
To contact us : Margaux Zaffran
Related structures
We welcome the creation of Young Statisticians Europe which has an officiel webpage on Fenstat:
- ISI Young Statisticians Committee
- Section « Young Statisticians » de la Royal Statistical Society
- Section « Young Statisticians » de la Statistical Society of Australia
- Groupe y-BIS de l’ISBIS (International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics)
- VVSOR Young Statisticians
- Young Statisticians Denmark